‘Morten On The Ship Of Fools’ Makes (Stop Motion) Waves

Morten on the Ship of Fools is special for a lot of reasons. Not simply because it’s full of Ireland’s most recognisable names like Brendan Gleeson and Pauline McGlynn. Not just because it’s being made in a studio in rural Ireland. But it’s Ireland’s first ever fully stop motion feature film. It tells the tale…

A chat with Lighthouse Cinema’s Cinema Book Club and Grindhouse Dublin’s organisers

“I think that kids aren’t exposed to challenging material sometimes when they’re a bit too Young, but it’s good for them, it gives them a thick skin!

“Otherwise they don’t know how to deal with trauma, and then when real trauma comes along they don’t know what to do.”

Secrets to the Grave crowdfunding now

‘Secrets to the Grave’ will be the second of the 3 part ‘Driver’ series of short films. It’s prequel ‘Any Last Words’ was intended to be standalone, but that changed after it was well received in the Cannes Short Film Corner, Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival, Baton Rouge Irish Film Festival and the Underground Cinema Awards.

Moore says they were “compelled to continue the story.”